1. What is a comfort zone?
We’re hearing more and more people talking about comfort zones. Whether for personal or professional enrichment. But what is it really about? Is this just a passing fad? Or a necessary awakening?
The comfort zone is that imaginary area you’re comfortable in. That is to say, where doing such an action requires no effort and causes you no stress. This area is different for each individual.

For example, a door-to-door salesman will have no trouble asking his neighbor if he has flour so that he can finish his pizza dough when this could cause stress for other people.
This comfort zone extends until you feel stress or fear. Before that stress, it’s your comfort zone, after that, it’s your uncomfortable or anxiety zone.
2. The risks of staying in your comfort zone, or why you need to get out of it!
Why on earth should you go outside your comfort zone, if it’s called a comfort zone, then it’s comfortable to be there and stay there. Why seek to go towards fear? To what I’m uncomfortable with? You have to be sadistic? No?
Well, here are the risks of staying in your comfort zone:
- You live in a daily routine, during the week it’s the subway, work, and sleep, you look forward to the weekend so you can have fun, have a good time with your friends and family. The days are very similar, you never have enough time, and in the end, you don’t accomplish what really matters to you.
- You miss opportunities and you know it, but you tell yourself you’ll never get there. Might as well not even start. That’s right, it’s better not to do things than to fail! You stopped seeing life in color. You conform to society and you are what other people think of you. You feel like you’re missing out on your life and your plans.
- You feel like you’re stuck in your personal and professional life, you’re not moving forward and you know it. Worse, you know in your heart what you have to do, but you don’t do it.
- You’re afraid of others, of their judgments, of how they see you, or saying no to them, you don’t want to offend them.
- You make excuses for everything and anything! It’s almost never your fault. It’s the neighbor’s fault, the state’s fault, your boss’s fault…
If you have recognized yourself in one of the categories, nothing is lost, it is NEVER too late to act! And you’re lucky because the best time to act is NOW!
By getting out of your comfort zone, you’ll get to know yourself better and you’ll have more self-confidence! In fact, imagine for a moment that you manage to do this thing that has been terrorizing you for several years. Wouldn’t you be proud to make it?
But it doesn’t stop there!
If you stop worrying about what others think of you, you won’t care what others may or may not say and you will do the things that really matter to you, your plans, your desires!
It will allow you to discover new things, new activities, meet new people you don’t usually meet. You’ll be more creative. Above all, you’ll have fewer regrets, because you’ll act! You won’t miss the opportunities that will present to you.
Now imagine being that person! Don’t you think you would be fantastic?
The great thing about your comfort zone is that it’s malleable, you can extend it to infinity! The fear zone you currently have may be part of your comfort zone if you dare to do anything in that zone.
3. How do you get out of your comfort zone?
To get out of your comfort zone, the first thing you need to do is know your limits.
You can take different areas such as relationships, health, and personal development. (There are plenty of others, it’s up to you to search for them, it’s part of the game)
For each area, think, write, think about what currently scares you. It could be, for example, for the areas described just before:
- Usually, I’m afraid to talk to strangers, I always hesitate 20min before I start talking to them.
- I know I’m a few pounds overweight, but I’m still not going to go to the gym, it’s not for me. I won’t know what to do! And I don’t want to look like those people with big muscles, they’re all decerebrated! And yoga is for girls…
- I like personal development, I read books and everything! But you know, I don’t often take action. The others will judge me if I meditate near the water…
Now, try to find little things you could do to confront these things.
It could be:
- Today I’m going to try to talk to someone on the street.
- Today, I’m going to try out at a gym. it’s free! I have nothing to lose.
- Today I’m going to walk for a minute in the street with my right arm raised to the sky! It’s okay if other people wonder what I’m doing. I mean, I do what I want!
Once you’ve passed your challenge, move on to a slightly more complicated challenge.
For each of your blocks, try to imagine the life you’d have if you didn’t have them. If you were a person who wasn’t afraid of these things. Would you be able to complete this little challenge?
If you can’t meet the challenge, it doesn’t matter, try again! You’ve got nothing to lose. And if you still can’t do it, try lowering the level a little bit. Rather than walking with your arm raised, just try jumping 100 meters in the street.
Think back to when you were a kid. You weren’t afraid of falling. When you fell, you got up. Over and over again. You could run screaming in the street, you didn’t care what other people thought of you! Well, now it’s the same thing. If you fail, don’t give up and do it again and again and again! You owe it to yourself to get rid of your fears.
The action allows you to go beyond your fears!

By taking small steps, you’ll expand your comfort zone without necessarily realizing it and you’ll become unstoppable.
4. Become a Super Humain
These exercises are great because you will get to know yourself a lot better and you will have a lot more self-confidence. Cause you’re gonna get to do things you haven’t been able to do before.
Except we mustn’t stop there!
It’s by doing what you didn’t think you were capable of doing that you’ll become the person you didn’t think you were capable of being.
If you only do that, you’ll be out of your comfort zone, but only out of your knowledge zone. You won’t try to do things you don’t mean!
That’s where the free Super Human app comes in!
It allows you to get out of your comfort zone, with diverse and varied challenges in 8 different areas.
Each challenge is to be completed over a defined period of time. So you have to do everything you can to make it happen!
The advantage is that you don’t have to worry about what you’re trying to do to get out of your comfort zone! You just have to let yourself be guided!
In addition, with each challenge, there is an explanation that tells you why you need to do this challenge, how doing this challenge can help you in your life and offers you resources to go further!
This is how you will become a new person, who is not afraid of the unknown, of strange things and to surpass yourself, in short, a Super Humain!
Then, become a Super Humain too and download the iOS Super Human application.
It’s free, so there’s nothing to stop you from trying, at worst, it’ll just be a good time!
Good luck, and good challenges!